Day 25
Another item for my "Pensacola Room" --- finished "my nook" shelf - painted, mod-podged some beachy paper, lightly distressed edges and corners and wah-la! Love my morning corner space! :)
Over the next 365 days I want to FINISH something I have already started! "So here's what I think: The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart's been in the right place all along. You've got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it": 2 Cor. 8:10 (The Message)
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Friday, January 24, 2014
Day 24
Does it count if Paul does the work to finish one of my ideas? I think so ... While I was painting the mud room, he finished this washer/dryer stand in the laundry room and covered it with our new flooring! Looks sharp! Now all we need is a washer and dryer sitting there ... more for Paul to do while I finish the third coat! You could say we are "finishing" together!
Vickie Dyck: Really nice! Finishing together always goes faster, I recommend it!
Does it count if Paul does the work to finish one of my ideas? I think so ... While I was painting the mud room, he finished this washer/dryer stand in the laundry room and covered it with our new flooring! Looks sharp! Now all we need is a washer and dryer sitting there ... more for Paul to do while I finish the third coat! You could say we are "finishing" together!
Vickie Dyck: Really nice! Finishing together always goes faster, I recommend it!
Jane Friesen: what a great idea
Marilee Fehr: two are pretty much always better than one - definitely counts!!! BTW I love the look!!
Jaimie Zimmerman: Love the paint colors!
Nicole Laliberte: Nice flooring choice. Looks great!
People who like this: Carmen, Michelle
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Day 23
Today I finished gathering all the needed items for ... lets call it my BNB for now! This is Step 2 from Day 12's Step 1. Tomorrow or Saturday, I will finish assembly and post a pic. I'm really excited about this one! It's been in the works for so long! I hope I can sleep!
Also, today I finished 138 months of being married to a really good man (which doesn't even begin to describe him). Tomorrow I'll start on the 139th month with a renewed sense of gratitude for each month and year I have with him.
Vickie Dyck: You sound much better today Something to celebrate and something to look forward to.... Life doesn't get much better than that
Vickie Dyck: Beautiful picture, too!
People who like this: Karen, Sara, Kim, Tanja, Shteena, Bobby, Vickie, Myrna
Today I finished gathering all the needed items for ... lets call it my BNB for now! This is Step 2 from Day 12's Step 1. Tomorrow or Saturday, I will finish assembly and post a pic. I'm really excited about this one! It's been in the works for so long! I hope I can sleep!
Also, today I finished 138 months of being married to a really good man (which doesn't even begin to describe him). Tomorrow I'll start on the 139th month with a renewed sense of gratitude for each month and year I have with him.
Vickie Dyck: You sound much better today Something to celebrate and something to look forward to.... Life doesn't get much better than that
Vickie Dyck: Beautiful picture, too!
Shteena Wiebe Teichroeb: Very beautifull
Lorna Neufeldt: Beautiful wedding picture.
Sara Denyer: awwww!!!!!
Nicole Laliberte: Lookin' good you two!
Marilee Fehr: lovely!! thanks for sharing
Bruce Jantzen: Just love that photo of you both
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Day 22
Today I finished a bottle of Advil ... not the whole bottle, just the last tablet. I really don't consider this one an admirable finish, but a necessary one, none the less. My hope is that it takes three times as long to finish the next bottle as it did this one.
Vickie Dyck: Heavy sigh....It seems that cold weather and pain are formidable companions... I wish for you a VERY limited need (no need:) ) for pain killers in the future....
Marilee Fehr: ...when I do need Advil or some other pain medication I am at least thankful that it is available and I appreciate the benefits ... hopefully you won't need it again for a long while!
People who like this: April
Today I finished a bottle of Advil ... not the whole bottle, just the last tablet. I really don't consider this one an admirable finish, but a necessary one, none the less. My hope is that it takes three times as long to finish the next bottle as it did this one.
Vickie Dyck: Heavy sigh....It seems that cold weather and pain are formidable companions... I wish for you a VERY limited need (no need:) ) for pain killers in the future....
Marilee Fehr: ...when I do need Advil or some other pain medication I am at least thankful that it is available and I appreciate the benefits ... hopefully you won't need it again for a long while!
People who like this: April
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Day 21
Today I was very busy and I got a lot done but nothing "finished". ;)
Vickie Dyck: "got a lot done" .... getting something done vs finishing something.... I don't think you CAN finish unless there have been days of getting a lot done.
Marilee Fehr: sure - you finished what you started to do on the jobs you were working on - sounds like a winner to me!
Karen Martens: Thanks for the encouragement. I felt the same way. I didn't even have one little smidgen of feeling bad about not "finishing" something! Working hard is working hard. Its worth a lot and leads to a good night sleep!
People who like this: Sara, Joyanne, Dan, Jody
Monday, January 20, 2014
Day 20
I'm relieved to say that I finished my store's 2013 PST return. Whew!
Vickie Dyck: You did it!!! I am envious because I see the mountain of paper in all my receipt boxes and I know what awaits I especially love the cartoon
Marilee Fehr: I am impressed ... that is a job that would likely do me in! Good for you for persevering until you finished once again
I'm relieved to say that I finished my store's 2013 PST return. Whew!
Vickie Dyck: You did it!!! I am envious because I see the mountain of paper in all my receipt boxes and I know what awaits I especially love the cartoon
Marilee Fehr: I am impressed ... that is a job that would likely do me in! Good for you for persevering until you finished once again
Nicole Laliberte: Way
to go! I'm impressed when I finish my own taxes (which are the
simplest in the world, I'm sure!) so I can't even imagine what is
involved in owning a store and PST returns etc.
Tanja Funk: What a big job! The cartoon reminds me of me, looking over my tax stuff - somethings wrong, but I don't know where.....
People who like this: Sara
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Day 19
Vickie Dyck: I will think of it as the Roughriders in the Grey cup.... only a Grey Cup on steroids.... happy for you We know what you will be doing on Feb 2
People who like this: Heidi
A great way for a Denver Bronco fan to finish off the football season ....... going to the Super Bowl!!!
Comments: Vickie Dyck: I will think of it as the Roughriders in the Grey cup.... only a Grey Cup on steroids.... happy for you We know what you will be doing on Feb 2
People who like this: Heidi
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Day 18
Here is how a simple finish sometimes goes ... (in my "crazy" life anyways) - Find the "perfect enough" frame (which is not so easy to do), open up the back of the frame, remove cardboard and that nice picture of some people I don't know, place my item in frame, replace cardboard and press down all the little metal tabs that hold it in place, turn it over to realize the pic is upside down, repeat all the above one more time and double check the item is right side up, then I measure and measure again so I know where the nails get hammered into the wall, hammer in the nails, but the hangers on back don't reach because I measured the whole frame instead of hanger to hanger, measure again and move nails only for the picture to now hang VERY crooked; measure again and re-adjust one of the nails but see I took it an 1/8th of an inch too low; remeasure, re-hammer, and after filling ALL the holes, wait for it to dry, do two coats of touch up paint (because one didn't cover the mud up entirely), wait for that to dry, and finally, after an all day, 5-minute job, I finish framing and hanging this map of the southern gulf coast. .... LOVE IT! And my crazy existence! I have to say this .... I saw it through to the bitter end! HA!
Vickie Dyck: Days like that have MANY MANY moments where you could just as easily throw your hands up and QUIT! BUT I am very proud of you for holding out throw to the "bitter end"! (I must say I have had the same kind of day hanging pictures myself )
Sheryl Schmidt: LOL. Is it wrong that I giggled while reading this?
Here is how a simple finish sometimes goes ... (in my "crazy" life anyways) - Find the "perfect enough" frame (which is not so easy to do), open up the back of the frame, remove cardboard and that nice picture of some people I don't know, place my item in frame, replace cardboard and press down all the little metal tabs that hold it in place, turn it over to realize the pic is upside down, repeat all the above one more time and double check the item is right side up, then I measure and measure again so I know where the nails get hammered into the wall, hammer in the nails, but the hangers on back don't reach because I measured the whole frame instead of hanger to hanger, measure again and move nails only for the picture to now hang VERY crooked; measure again and re-adjust one of the nails but see I took it an 1/8th of an inch too low; remeasure, re-hammer, and after filling ALL the holes, wait for it to dry, do two coats of touch up paint (because one didn't cover the mud up entirely), wait for that to dry, and finally, after an all day, 5-minute job, I finish framing and hanging this map of the southern gulf coast. .... LOVE IT! And my crazy existence! I have to say this .... I saw it through to the bitter end! HA!
Vickie Dyck: Days like that have MANY MANY moments where you could just as easily throw your hands up and QUIT! BUT I am very proud of you for holding out throw to the "bitter end"! (I must say I have had the same kind of day hanging pictures myself )
Sheryl Schmidt: LOL. Is it wrong that I giggled while reading this?
Tanja Funk: After
the many, many, MANY lopsided, too many holes in the wall, picture
hanging fiasco's, I now use 3M velcro strips for pretty much every
Karen Martens: No Sheryl, in fact, I kind of do the same while shaking my head ... at myself! What more can you do? Thanks Tanja, I will have to look for that stuff and see how it works.
Karen Sougstad Richard: You're definitely not alone in being "picture-hanging challenged"!!!
People who like this: Nicole, Shteena, Shirley, April
Friday, January 17, 2014
Day 17
This morning I finished my study of 2 Corinthians! I was really looking forward to being done with this book as relationships are not my best subject. However, when you spend that much time with something, its hard to let it go without feeling bitter-sweet. Its also apparent, after this particular study, that with much struggle comes much growth. I hope that's the case here. Saint Paul is much more of a "bottom-line" kind of guy than he gets credit for. Here are some main points he pounded home -
1) focus less on others' inferiority/superiority and more on my relationship with God, He says I am found worthy
2) grow in my faith,
3) know that when I am weak, He makes me strong
3) boast of the good things God does in my life (tell our stories), and
4) finally, friends - be cheerful, be made complete, be comforted, think in harmony, live in peace and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. (NIV/The Message; 2 Cor. 13:11)
Vickie Dyck: "With much struggle comes much growth" - that is my hope in my own life as well You always give me a thought for the day; something to chew on - thank-you.
Marilee Fehr: Thanks Karen. Your openness in posting your growth and learning is encouraging to me.
Karen Martens: I'm so glad my friends. I have to say that your daily words have also become a source of comfort and encouragement to me. Unfortunately for you all, I, now, consider us bound in this journey.
People who like this: Karen, Sara, Tanja
This morning I finished my study of 2 Corinthians! I was really looking forward to being done with this book as relationships are not my best subject. However, when you spend that much time with something, its hard to let it go without feeling bitter-sweet. Its also apparent, after this particular study, that with much struggle comes much growth. I hope that's the case here. Saint Paul is much more of a "bottom-line" kind of guy than he gets credit for. Here are some main points he pounded home -
1) focus less on others' inferiority/superiority and more on my relationship with God, He says I am found worthy
2) grow in my faith,
3) know that when I am weak, He makes me strong
3) boast of the good things God does in my life (tell our stories), and
4) finally, friends - be cheerful, be made complete, be comforted, think in harmony, live in peace and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. (NIV/The Message; 2 Cor. 13:11)
Vickie Dyck: "With much struggle comes much growth" - that is my hope in my own life as well You always give me a thought for the day; something to chew on - thank-you.
Marilee Fehr: Thanks Karen. Your openness in posting your growth and learning is encouraging to me.
Karen Martens: I'm so glad my friends. I have to say that your daily words have also become a source of comfort and encouragement to me. Unfortunately for you all, I, now, consider us bound in this journey.
People who like this: Karen, Sara, Tanja
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Day 14
Tuesday, January 14th
This morning I finished a package of feminine hygiene products from 2009. Maybe this means I'm almost finished with the whole "she-bang"! (pardon the pun) This is one "period" (I'm on a very bad pun-roll) in my life I would really like to finish gracefully versus grumpily! (sorry - no pics on this one)
Day 15
Wednesday, January 15th
Today I finished making the gift certificates for Prairie Sun Brewery! Or, at least until next year. At any rate, I'm unpacking my box and not taking it back and forth anymore.

Day 16
Thursday, January 16th
Today, just in the nick of time, I finished my other Book Club pick - Remarkable Creatures! Great discussion book friends! And, this means I get to start my all time favorite - Count of Monte Cristo!
Vickie Dyck: Gracefully versus grumpily...... that is my motto..... sometimes it is harder to achieve that than other times
Nicole Laliberte: "No pics on this one", funny. Did you enjoy Remarkable Creatures? Should I add it to my list?
People who like this: April
Monday, January 13, 2014
Day 13
You know when you finish something and it doesn't turn out the exact way you wanted it to? ... last night my frustration with finishing this fairly simple project ended up with me growling, stomping upstairs, and going to bed ... without posting. After some reflection today ... I would have to say sometimes "good enough" IS perfect. I refuse to lose any enjoyment when I look at it. I plan to slap the thought that its not perfect right out of my brain the minute it tries to show up!!! On that note ...
I have my great-grandpa's shells (Bapa), my grandparent's shells from Hawaii, New York and Dore Lake, and my own collection from our five years living in Florida and a trip to California. (see second pic below) I am "finishing" small projects with them for my getaway room, but I found this poster(see pic) and loved the fact that I could know the names of the shells we have collected. Yesterday, I bought a frame and trimmed it to size and hung it up. I'm proud to say that I have almost all of them. "May you always have a shell in your pocket and sand between your toes!"
Vickie Dyck: Yes .... what to do when it doesn't turn out the way I wanted it to... I think you have the right idea, though... I like your "I refuse to lose enjoyment"! Matt Wiebe always says, "Perfect enough!"
Karen Martens: Oh! I like that - "Perfect enough" - I think that will go in my brain for fast recall!
Karen Stobbe: I love this concept. an inspiration. I shall begin finishing as well.
Joyanne Batty-Dufour: I was wondering what your plan was with all those shells. So cool they have stories behind them
Karen Martens: That would spoil several "finish" items if I told, Joyanne. We will just have to wait and see, though if you want some hints, my pinterest page has lots of great ideas.
Nicole Laliberte: That is an impressive shell collection Karen! I'm excited to see the finished projects. And also glad to hear that I'm not the only one who ends up "growling, stomping upstairs, and going to bed".
People who like this: Sara, Jody, Jeff, Tanja, Bobby
You know when you finish something and it doesn't turn out the exact way you wanted it to? ... last night my frustration with finishing this fairly simple project ended up with me growling, stomping upstairs, and going to bed ... without posting. After some reflection today ... I would have to say sometimes "good enough" IS perfect. I refuse to lose any enjoyment when I look at it. I plan to slap the thought that its not perfect right out of my brain the minute it tries to show up!!! On that note ...
I have my great-grandpa's shells (Bapa), my grandparent's shells from Hawaii, New York and Dore Lake, and my own collection from our five years living in Florida and a trip to California. (see second pic below) I am "finishing" small projects with them for my getaway room, but I found this poster(see pic) and loved the fact that I could know the names of the shells we have collected. Yesterday, I bought a frame and trimmed it to size and hung it up. I'm proud to say that I have almost all of them. "May you always have a shell in your pocket and sand between your toes!"
Vickie Dyck: Yes .... what to do when it doesn't turn out the way I wanted it to... I think you have the right idea, though... I like your "I refuse to lose enjoyment"! Matt Wiebe always says, "Perfect enough!"
Karen Martens: Oh! I like that - "Perfect enough" - I think that will go in my brain for fast recall!
Karen Stobbe: I love this concept. an inspiration. I shall begin finishing as well.
Joyanne Batty-Dufour: I was wondering what your plan was with all those shells. So cool they have stories behind them
Karen Martens: That would spoil several "finish" items if I told, Joyanne. We will just have to wait and see, though if you want some hints, my pinterest page has lots of great ideas.
Nicole Laliberte: That is an impressive shell collection Karen! I'm excited to see the finished projects. And also glad to hear that I'm not the only one who ends up "growling, stomping upstairs, and going to bed".
People who like this: Sara, Jody, Jeff, Tanja, Bobby
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Today I finished step 1 (washing & ironing) of .... well, I think I will wait until step 2 is finished as well ... ;)
I was hoping to finish the whole thing but washing & ironing took longer than I thought. I also have to help myself see the value of finishing steps rather than placing ALL the value on the completed task/results; that idea of valuing the journey and not just the destination.
Vickie Dyck: Oh, this is soooo my lesson, too! I will write this one on my forehead (so to speak)
Marilee Fehr: thanks for this reminder - I also tend to be an "all or nothing" kind of thinker and if I haven't reached the end goal I often belittle my efforts....sigh!
Tanja Funk: I hear ya
People who like this: Sara, Dan, Tanja, Janice, Michelle, Heather
Today I finished step 1 (washing & ironing) of .... well, I think I will wait until step 2 is finished as well ... ;)
I was hoping to finish the whole thing but washing & ironing took longer than I thought. I also have to help myself see the value of finishing steps rather than placing ALL the value on the completed task/results; that idea of valuing the journey and not just the destination.
Vickie Dyck: Oh, this is soooo my lesson, too! I will write this one on my forehead (so to speak)
Marilee Fehr: thanks for this reminder - I also tend to be an "all or nothing" kind of thinker and if I haven't reached the end goal I often belittle my efforts....sigh!
Tanja Funk: I hear ya
People who like this: Sara, Dan, Tanja, Janice, Michelle, Heather
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
Day 10
How is it that finishing something leads to starting something? I finished a good read in the wee hours of the morning and that started a wonderful discussion with some treasured friends. When a person finishes reading someone's story, its starts a new part in the reader's life by being interwoven into their own story. I am shaped and moved in directions that I would not be otherwise drawn toward had it not been for another's story.
Bobby Martens: Just finished "Grapes" a few weeks's one of those stories I read once every couple least...right now I'm just rounding the last quarter of "Love in the Time of Cholera"...slow at first, for me, but I can't seem to put it down now...good book. It's strange how sometimes one can totally relate to some fictional's like they know what I'd be thinking! Spooky! haha
Vickie Dyck: A good writer lets you see thru someone else's eyes --- and once you've seen life thru someone else's eyes their truth becomes your truth as well --- Mr John Steinbeck is VERY good at helping you see life thru someone else's eyes -- Well done, Mr Steinbeck!
People who like this: Bobby, Heidi, Tanja
How is it that finishing something leads to starting something? I finished a good read in the wee hours of the morning and that started a wonderful discussion with some treasured friends. When a person finishes reading someone's story, its starts a new part in the reader's life by being interwoven into their own story. I am shaped and moved in directions that I would not be otherwise drawn toward had it not been for another's story.
Bobby Martens: Just finished "Grapes" a few weeks's one of those stories I read once every couple least...right now I'm just rounding the last quarter of "Love in the Time of Cholera"...slow at first, for me, but I can't seem to put it down now...good book. It's strange how sometimes one can totally relate to some fictional's like they know what I'd be thinking! Spooky! haha
Vickie Dyck: A good writer lets you see thru someone else's eyes --- and once you've seen life thru someone else's eyes their truth becomes your truth as well --- Mr John Steinbeck is VERY good at helping you see life thru someone else's eyes -- Well done, Mr Steinbeck!
People who like this: Bobby, Heidi, Tanja
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Day 9
Ouch. Today's hurt a little. I finished being a part of something that will continue on without me. It did not end badly, in fact there was laughter, however, my role in it is finished and it was time for me to be done. I will miss these gatherings, but the relationships that I have because of them will continue on. I remember fondly our children's stories, silly little secrets, games and deeper questions, and good food and drink. I, also, look back very fondly on the "purchases" (moose books, voice lessons, and Beach room decor) because they were so much more than things. They represent eras in my journey. Hasta luego! (until later)
Vickie Dyck: "time for me to be done..." That is a phrase I will take as food for thought... thank-you.
Marilee Fehr: sometimes this is a lesson we need to learn and don't ... I too will take this to heart and ponder what it means for me - thanks
People who like this: Sieni, Lauraie
Ouch. Today's hurt a little. I finished being a part of something that will continue on without me. It did not end badly, in fact there was laughter, however, my role in it is finished and it was time for me to be done. I will miss these gatherings, but the relationships that I have because of them will continue on. I remember fondly our children's stories, silly little secrets, games and deeper questions, and good food and drink. I, also, look back very fondly on the "purchases" (moose books, voice lessons, and Beach room decor) because they were so much more than things. They represent eras in my journey. Hasta luego! (until later)
Vickie Dyck: "time for me to be done..." That is a phrase I will take as food for thought... thank-you.
Marilee Fehr: sometimes this is a lesson we need to learn and don't ... I too will take this to heart and ponder what it means for me - thanks
People who like this: Sieni, Lauraie
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Day 8
Long day helping at the brewery. I came home to a nice bowl of soup and dug into the back of the fridge for that jar of pickles I bought last fall when Paul went moose hunting (Paul is not a fan of pickles). I found one pickle left and half a dozen onions. Well .... down the hatch for the cause, recycled the jar ... and that's that (finished that is). "Pickles is as pickles does."
Heather Williams: Plus you helped us finish a lot at the brewery! Double points today
Vickie Dyck: I never count the onions -- it's a jar of pickles after all, now isn't it?
Nicole Laliberte: Love that little comic! I laughed out loud.
Karen Martens: You are so right, Vickie! However, if you saw the little bitty shred of the last pickle you'd understand my decision to down those little onions floating around and call it properly finished! lol
People who like this: Lori, Vickie, Heather
Long day helping at the brewery. I came home to a nice bowl of soup and dug into the back of the fridge for that jar of pickles I bought last fall when Paul went moose hunting (Paul is not a fan of pickles). I found one pickle left and half a dozen onions. Well .... down the hatch for the cause, recycled the jar ... and that's that (finished that is). "Pickles is as pickles does."
Heather Williams: Plus you helped us finish a lot at the brewery! Double points today
Vickie Dyck: I never count the onions -- it's a jar of pickles after all, now isn't it?
Nicole Laliberte: Love that little comic! I laughed out loud.
Karen Martens: You are so right, Vickie! However, if you saw the little bitty shred of the last pickle you'd understand my decision to down those little onions floating around and call it properly finished! lol
People who like this: Lori, Vickie, Heather
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Day 7
Today was the first day I was starting to worry about what it was that I had time to finish. I talked myself out of focusing on that and just seeing what the day would bring ..... a very pleasant surprise. Today I had the opportunity to "finish" a conversation with a friend; one that needed finishing for a long time. You know those conversations that I'm talking about. They hang over us like a wet blanket. I had been avoiding it for awhile. But don't get me wrong, avoidance isn't all bad especially if its not the permanent solution. It can give us time to reflect on what's important. Well, it had been long enough to give both of us good perspectives and short enough that it was easy to laugh after and encourage one other. I think this journey of "finishing" things is going to take me to some pretty heart-warming destinations. Can't wait for the days to come!
Vickie Dick: You are opening my eyes to all the ways that one can "finish" something -- a goal, a conclusion, closure -- I look forward to the rest of the year for you. (And I look forward to your posts )
People who like this: Joyanne, Jane, Sara, Tanja, Vickie, Marilee, Christine, Amber
Today was the first day I was starting to worry about what it was that I had time to finish. I talked myself out of focusing on that and just seeing what the day would bring ..... a very pleasant surprise. Today I had the opportunity to "finish" a conversation with a friend; one that needed finishing for a long time. You know those conversations that I'm talking about. They hang over us like a wet blanket. I had been avoiding it for awhile. But don't get me wrong, avoidance isn't all bad especially if its not the permanent solution. It can give us time to reflect on what's important. Well, it had been long enough to give both of us good perspectives and short enough that it was easy to laugh after and encourage one other. I think this journey of "finishing" things is going to take me to some pretty heart-warming destinations. Can't wait for the days to come!
Vickie Dick: You are opening my eyes to all the ways that one can "finish" something -- a goal, a conclusion, closure -- I look forward to the rest of the year for you. (And I look forward to your posts )
People who like this: Joyanne, Jane, Sara, Tanja, Vickie, Marilee, Christine, Amber
Monday, January 6, 2014
Day 6 Another Pensacola story to finish today. I was determined to
find the intoxicating aroma of blooming honeysuckle while on my visit,
however I would be disappointed for a short time before being introduced
to a new (at least new to me) aromatic beauty - the Confederate
Jasmine(photo 1). I was able to smuggle some home and though it hasn't
held up well, I found the little white paper flowers in the second
picture below to mimic their look and vine-like growth. The cross was
also a special find in a shop in the Seville Quarter where heavy, rusty
metal relics from sunken ships and artifacts representing the strong
French-Catholic presence were tourists' favorites. The heavy cross is a
magnifying glass and the song You Are Loved by Hope's Call was indeed a
"magnified" message on the radio from God to me during my stay there.
This special reminder reaches out to my sense of smell, sight and sound -
how wonderful!
Vickie Dyck: So simple and so very profound
Vickie Dyck: So simple and so very profound
Marilee Fehr: i
am beginning to look forward to your daily posts - this one is indeed a
precious memory - thanks for sharing!
Nicole Laliberte: I
love this one Karen. And, I also wish FB had scratch n' sniff capabilities.
Jane Friesen: My
memory of honeysuckle aroma is truly awakened as we have a pink honeysuckle
tree in our back yard - on a cold January day this is a jewel memory - love the
heavy cross too with the reminder of LOVE
Karen Sougstad Richard: Your
daily writings are an inspiration to me, as I have several areas of the house
to finish going through and cleaning out this year!
Karen Martens: That's
great Karen Sougstad Richard!
It does feel really good to do. I can honestly say it motivates me a lot
to think about finishing these things. In your cleaning, if you find ANY
"Bob" treasures, great or small, you know I'll take them off your
Karen Sougstad Richard: Will
certainly do, Karen!
People Who Like This: Shteena, Tanja, Amanda, Jane, Janis, Carmen
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Day 5
I started David Copperfield by Dickens early in December, 2014. I don't know what I was thinking!!! I only have several other books on the go right now and that one is four inches thick and 1100 pages long! But, I have decided it may be a blessing in disguise as it may be my fall back for those days when I need a quick "finish" ... finish a chapter that is. ;) No, E.H., that is not cheating - it is using my various resources to come up with a no-stress, goal-meeting, would-love-to-stick-my-nose-in-a-book-everyday kind of option! Today, I finished chapter 6 where a young David Copperfield welcomes the boys back to the school he was sent to over the winter break. Even though they stole all his money, he felt it went better than he had expected as none of the boys beat him up! Love a character who looks on the bright side .... or is he overly naive?
Vickie Dyck: Nothing like a good book -- haven't read that one yet.
I started David Copperfield by Dickens early in December, 2014. I don't know what I was thinking!!! I only have several other books on the go right now and that one is four inches thick and 1100 pages long! But, I have decided it may be a blessing in disguise as it may be my fall back for those days when I need a quick "finish" ... finish a chapter that is. ;) No, E.H., that is not cheating - it is using my various resources to come up with a no-stress, goal-meeting, would-love-to-stick-my-nose-in-a-book-everyday kind of option! Today, I finished chapter 6 where a young David Copperfield welcomes the boys back to the school he was sent to over the winter break. Even though they stole all his money, he felt it went better than he had expected as none of the boys beat him up! Love a character who looks on the bright side .... or is he overly naive?
Vickie Dyck: Nothing like a good book -- haven't read that one yet.
Marilee Fehr: I will go with looking on the positive side of things - this
is a lesson that I can use a refresher in right now ... I'll make it my goal
for the rest of the day!
People who like this: Vickie, Christine
People who like this: Vickie, Christine
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Day 4
This was the first year in all my 45 years that I took down the Christmas tree on December 26th. The renovations going on made me need to do some major cleaning and it began with taking down the decorations .... however, you know those few items you forget about and have to grab later and shove into an already packed Christmas box? Well, today - I finished putting those last things away. It's always a little bitter sweet to "finish" the official Christmas season, but I remind myself that the peace and joy of knowing Christ lasts all year. (Had to share a cute pic of "my kids"!)
Vickie Dyck: Always looks so empty when the decorations come down -- I guess it an empty slate right?
Karen Martens: I know exactly what you mean Vickie. But it isn't long and those creative juices start going again and I have more ideas and projects and inspirations to start and someday finish. lol
Julia Bueckert: Yep - miss the lights on the tree, the carols, the ambience, but 2014 has many blessings in store for each of us from our good Lord!
People who like this: Carmen, Julia, April, Linda, Tanya, Marilee
This was the first year in all my 45 years that I took down the Christmas tree on December 26th. The renovations going on made me need to do some major cleaning and it began with taking down the decorations .... however, you know those few items you forget about and have to grab later and shove into an already packed Christmas box? Well, today - I finished putting those last things away. It's always a little bitter sweet to "finish" the official Christmas season, but I remind myself that the peace and joy of knowing Christ lasts all year. (Had to share a cute pic of "my kids"!)
Vickie Dyck: Always looks so empty when the decorations come down -- I guess it an empty slate right?
Karen Martens: I know exactly what you mean Vickie. But it isn't long and those creative juices start going again and I have more ideas and projects and inspirations to start and someday finish. lol
Julia Bueckert: Yep - miss the lights on the tree, the carols, the ambience, but 2014 has many blessings in store for each of us from our good Lord!
People who like this: Carmen, Julia, April, Linda, Tanya, Marilee
Friday, January 3, 2014
Day 3
This one might not make as much sense, but it is a very significant "finishing" touch for me. The main reason is that I had a very special trip last year to Pensacola where God really demonstrated His love for me in some amazing and unforgettable ways. I spent the rest of the year recreating a little Beach getaway room in the basement in order to make a special place to go to spend time with God. (I will actually post a lot of little decorative touches for this particular room over the next year - items I have started but not finished.) Today's item is a finishing detail after painting. I hadn't put the outlet and light-switch covers back on yet , so I decided to have a little paper crafting fun and "finish" this job - with a sentimental twist.
This one might not make as much sense, but it is a very significant "finishing" touch for me. The main reason is that I had a very special trip last year to Pensacola where God really demonstrated His love for me in some amazing and unforgettable ways. I spent the rest of the year recreating a little Beach getaway room in the basement in order to make a special place to go to spend time with God. (I will actually post a lot of little decorative touches for this particular room over the next year - items I have started but not finished.) Today's item is a finishing detail after painting. I hadn't put the outlet and light-switch covers back on yet , so I decided to have a little paper crafting fun and "finish" this job - with a sentimental twist.
Vickie Dyck: love it - I remember your story about trying to find a map
Sara Denyer: Oh Karen that is fantastic!!
Tanja Funk: Can't wait to see all those pieces put together
Tanja Funk: Can't wait to see all those pieces put together
Heidi Studebaker Bohne: Great work
Marilee Fehr: such a fun idea ... can't wait to see how the room unfolds!!
Marilee Fehr: such a fun idea ... can't wait to see how the room unfolds!!
Nicole Laliberte: Those
look great!
Jane Friesen: awesome idea
Joyanne Batty-Dufour: What a fantastic idea!!
Karen Martens: Thanks friends! I, of course, got this idea off ....
Pinterest. They used decorative wrapping paper, buts maps are thinner paper too
and it worked really well!!
Joyanne Batty-Dufour: I have an old piece of new paper from the 1930s that was
found in our reno travels... the date on it is actually my birth date...non
many decades later of course. I could totally do this. Modge podge??
Karen Martens: yep! spread a thin coat on cover,
then a thin coat on back of paper. be patient and keep pressing it around to
the back. It doesnt take very long, but it will hold better if you keep
pressing (kind of like massaging it from center to sides and around...
People who like this: Emily, Carmen, April, Karen, Shteena, Lauraie, Melissa, Gail, Sheryl, Heidi, Sara, Vickie
People who like this: Emily, Carmen, April, Karen, Shteena, Lauraie, Melissa, Gail, Sheryl, Heidi, Sara, Vickie
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